您現在的位置: 首頁 > 婚姻物語 > 婚姻移民資訊 > 【跨國婚姻】國際婚姻,給美國婚姻移民申請人的N個面簽建議(中英文)
1. 不要主動提供信息。 對于大多數問題,簡潔明了的回答會縮短面簽時間,增加成功率。 如果屬于“是非”題,僅需要回答是或非。 如果問題關于名字,僅需要回答名字。Do not volunteer information. For most questions, the shorter and more direct the answers are, the shorter the interview and the higher the chance of success. If the question is a yes or no question, give yes or no answers only. If the question is a simple question like "What is your name?" answer simply with your name.
2. 如果你不知道問題的答案,絕對不要撒謊, 絕對不要撒謊, 絕對不要撒謊。 簡單地說“我不知道答案”或“我不記得”。
If you do not know the answer to a question, do not lie. Say, "I don't know the answer to that at this time." or "I don't remember."
3. 許多問題的答案在申請文件中都有。比如說“你的丈夫的父母親的名字?!?但是簽證官仍舊期望你熟知申請文件的內容。面試前一定要對申請書的內容有詳盡的了解,最好能做個模擬面試。 The answer to many questions will be in the papers that were sent in the petitions. Questions like, "what are your husband's parent's names". They will expect you to know the information given in your petitions. Review everything in your paperwork with your wife before her interview, and do a mock interview to see how the information may be applied.
4. 避免說“我想。。?!?, 女性通常都有這個口頭詞。 簽證官希望你能夠干凈利落地回答問題。同時,避免其他不確定口頭語如: 嗯, 你知道的, 啊等等。 Avoid saying "I think . . .". Women do this a lot. The examiner will expect you to know not be unsure, of your answers. Also, avoid adding "umm", "you know" and "ahh" type fillers to your speech.
5. 如果可能,用展示配合你的陳述。當簽證官的問題可以用文件或照片回答時,將文件或照片一并呈上。 例如,當簽證官問及“你的家人如何看你的丈夫?”, 把家庭照片展示給簽證官看,同時告訴他”家人都很喜歡你的丈夫,這是我的父母親與他的合照?!?When applicable, don't just state, demonstrate. If the examiner asks a question that can be answered with a document or photograph(s), provide it along with your answer. For example, if the examiner asks, "What does your family think of your husband?", give them a picture or two with your answer; "They like him very much. Here is a picture of him with my mother and father at my parent's home."
或者, ”有多少人參加了你們的婚禮?“,回答時給出個具體數目,并告訴簽證官你有些賓客盡歡的照片。
Or, "How many attended your wedding?" Answer, "(give a number, then say) We have some lovely wedding photos of our guests having fun. Here are a few that I can show you."
6. 提供日期時請遵循美國的日期習慣, 月/日/年。 Give American answers for dates and times. 12/24/07, not 24/12/07.
7. 穿戴應該整潔,但不要盛裝。 Dress well, but not overdressed.
8. 盡量保持鎮靜, 有條不紊和友善的。 緊張常會導致懷疑。Try to appear calm, well organized, and friendly. Nervousness raises suspicions.
9. 保持清醒, 如果簽證官開個小玩笑,報以一笑,但不要開玩笑。Remain focused. If the examiner makes jokes, smile and enjoy, but do not make jokes too.
10. 談話中保持適當的對視,盡量控制面部肌肉,保持一個友善和禮節的表情。Make proper eye contact when conversing with the examiner, and try to control your own facial s so that your face remains pleasant and cordial.
11. 聲音要響亮,避免簽證官要求你重復回答。Be audible so that your examiner doesn't have to ask you to repeat your answers.
12. 把資料準備好,以利于索取。簽證官喜歡有序而不喜歡浪費他們時間的人。Organize your papers in a way that will allow you to retrieve them easily and quickly. Examiners appreciate order and someone who doesn't waste their time.
13. 面簽結束時一定要詢問結果。 “請問我如何向我的丈夫/妻子(未婚夫/妻)說明我的簽證的狀態?” 當你離開前,一定要簽證官解釋發給你的文件或完成你的申請的下一個步驟。 如果有需要,盡可能寫下簽證官的名字,以備萬一。When the interview is over, always ask for the results. "What should I now tell my husband about my visa status after our interview?" Before you leave, have them explain any papers they give to you and/or any procedures they will be taking to complete your case. Try to get the examiner's name for future reference, if needed. Write it down.
14. 如果簽證是在另外一個城市,應該提前一兩天到達做指紋及體檢。If the interview is in another city than the one you live in, arrive a day or two early to complete biometrics and get the results of your medical exam.
15. 提早到領事館,但做好超出預定的面試時間的準備。 如果你攜帶錢物,當心小偷。 如果忘了帶身份證,你將被攔在門外。Arrive early to the consulate, but also be prepared to wait for a time past your scheduled interview appointment time. Be careful of thieves around the consulate if you have to carry cash. Bring ID; you cannot enter without it.
16. 簽證官幾乎不當面簽發簽證。 做好準備返回領取或告知領事館將簽證寄發給你。It is rare for the consulate to give you a visa on the spot. Be prepared to return for it or have it delivered to you, if approved.
17. 許多大使館/領事館不允許攜帶手機和食品入內。 面簽前不要讓自己餓著并做好安置好手機。Many Embassies/Consulates do not allow cell phones or food inside. Eat well before your interview and be prepared to leave your cell phone outside.
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